We retip and repair

turntable MC & MM cartridges

Do you have a worn or damaged cartridge? We can make it as good as new, or often better by replacing the cantilever and/or the diamond tip. We also service coils and can perform various upgrades.

What we do

We repair and retip most cartridges even ones that most companies won’t touch like Decca, Koetsu and Dynavector.

We only use boron if we are replacing the cantilever and recommend a micro-ridge stylus.

Micro-ridge stylus

The micro-ridge is known as the best stylus profile both sonically and for its extremely long life. Benefits include:

Improved tracking
Their fine and narrow profile tracks the groove more accuratly, reducing distortion and wear of both the stylus and the records.

Enhanced High-Frequency response
The narrow profile allows it to reproduce high-frequency details more faithfully.

Reduced Record Wear
They exert less pressure on the groove, reducing the risk of damaging or wearing out the record, especially with prolonged use.

Better Channel Separation
Improved separation between the left and right channel which contributes to a more precise stereo soundstage.

Extended Stylus Life
They distribute wear more evenly along the stylus tip which results in a longer life-span compared to wider profiles.

Boron cantilevers

Boron is one of the highest quality materials to use for cantilevers due to its extreme stiffness and lightness. This results in a low moving mass, secondly only to diamond.

Many re-tippers are pushing Ruby and Sapphire cantilevers which are not as stiff as boron and they are 40% heavier resulting in a much higher moving mass and rather fragile too which is why at Allclear Audio we don’t use them.


Nude micro ridge diamond only retip (AUD) $480* +GST ($320 USD)

Nude micro ridge plus boron cantilever (AUD) $480* +GST ($320 USD)

*minimum charges for standard retips, price excludes P&P. Job complexity varies depending on cartridge. For a tailored quote please contact us. No GST charge for international customers.

Who we work with.